Quick & Dirty FLOSS Game Updates
== Insert introductory text here == Strategy games Civitas city Civitas is a project of a colaborative educational game, where children from schools can cooperate in a network for the construction of cities. This sounds/looks like a multiplayer OpenCity . Civitas is a GPLed project written in Java. Thumbs up to kid/education-related game projects whose creators are brave enough to use standard free licenses ! Clippers Clippers is a board game designed by Alan R Moon that is an abstract island connection game based on clipper ships and the south pacific. This computer version is written in Java 1.5 and includes AI players. Just like Civitas, I wasn't able to give it a spin. Sorry, Java issues. :( The Spring Engine has a nice new homepage and a pleasantly clear list of games . (This is probably very old news but kind of new to me.) I was told that Kernel Panic is a 100% open source game for Spring, but unfortunately I am either too stupid or too lazy to make it work. :| Role-play...