Game sfx maker tool ... sfxr in flash!
What's all this then? This is as3sfxr , flash port of sfxr . It makes sounds for your games. You only have to press buttons and listen and press buttons again. This is great: no need to understand how sound synthesis works, ability learn a little about sound synthesis by pressing buttons/moving controls randomly, no need to download/compile/install anything either. Oh how I would wish for more tools of this kind, maybe specialized stuff like (non-8-bit) fire effect generators, ice effects, explosions... There are some sfx gens for pure data but it will take a little more time to get them running. At the top of this post, there is an embedded flash applet. If you are a user of an open source flash player: do you see it? Can you use it? How many of you already knew of sfxr but only now did try it through as3sfxr? I hope this 'no info about games' post does not shock you.