
Showing posts from March, 2010

One little bit of roguelike, One hint of click-n-point, One tiny bit of trade and then time for some things completely different

I make heavy use of YouTube and would like to know if this is an issue. Are you unable to play back YT videos? Don't you like videos and prefer more screenshots and text? Comment at the post's bottom or email me ! If you do have troubles with YT video viewing, perhaps TinyOgg might save you. :) [ example ] Doryen Arena is a real-time arena roguelike-like.. You buy weapons, you select and use skills, you kill and then you die. The end. :) Note: This video is sped up by approx. factor 3 for technical reasons and does not represent actual game speed. So-orry! Pyromancer , by the same developer, looks more fun to me, but I have not had the chance to test it yet. Both projects are visually rather impressive. Pretty lighting and fading and moving health numbers... Both use libtcod , which is a "fast, portable and uncomplicated API for roguelike developpers providing an advanced true color console, input, and lots of other utilities frequently used in roguelikes". Yet aga...

Weaver: Magic FPS, OpenArena 0.8.5, Evidyon, Code Summers and web findings

Weaver Weaver [ introduction ] is an objective-based ("invade checkpoints") team fps with a simple gesture sequence spell casting system . It uses the XreaL engine and is currently in an early development stage. Maps are under construction and a few spells are in place. Code is GPL-licensed, "Media will aim to use Creative Commons licenses." Weaver concept art Weaver's current spellcasting interface (Goethe's color wheel [ 1 ] ;) ) The level work I was able to witness is impressive. TRaK is the designer, which explains it. Strolling in bow_block of Weaver - Weaver's introduction includes a simple game design document. Compilation instructions are located here , communication happens over forum and IRC . OpenArena 0.8.5 OpenArena has a new website look and a new patch release. It provides new or improved weapon effects, player skins, menu UI ( video , compare to old ), icons... OA 0.8.1 icons OA 0.8.5 icons ....

SCOURGE2: first steps

SCOURGE2 development has started. It uses jME and LWJGL . Easy portability is the promise (low-level-of-detail SCOURGE2 version on Android anyone?). All you can do in the latest Subversion revision is walk around on an island: SCOURGE2 early alpha - One great thing about SCOURGE2: it's not called S.C.O.U.R.G.E.2! ;) I took this opportunity to record some S.C.O.U.R.G.E. gameplay. The first fight starts at ⅔ of the video. Scourge gameplay ( downloadable if you login on Viddler .) I like the game very much: many items, many fights, not too hard, leveling, skills and missions. I did not progress far, but as far as I got it appeared to be a solid slash-and-hack RPG! At my first attempts of playing the game I was confused by having a vast amount of hire-able NPCs and items lying around in the game start area and I had troubles finding out how to get started with the action (get a mission and bash some monsters), so there is a slight entry h...

Xonotic - Nexuiz the Free

The first piece of news is that console Nexuiz will be re-written from scratch, because some coders decided against giving permission for a proprietary port ( Slashdot , interview ). This means no code contributions to Nexuiz. Secondly, Nexuiz has been forked under the name Xonotic . Because philosophy, because management, because change. I can't complain! Git repository instead of Subversion, no more tikiwiki (I hope) finally a feed for news (has been added to our Planet )! Open management and content enhancements are on the list of plans and promises, perhaps a little too much even, which led to the creation of a critical thread on our forums. I have had the pleasure to test the warpzone/visible-portal feature (which is available in Nexuiz' SVN as well): youtube-dl : Currently, instructions to get Xonotic (using git) are here . Compilation is easy and right now the game starts using "./all run -nexuiz". If you wan...

How Nexuiz did not become proprietary or: "Silly names in Games"

Some company will use LordHavoc's DarkPlaces engine (DPE) to publish a game on some game console(s). The development team includes "a number of Nexuiz developers, and previous Quake1 community developers". Nexuiz is a (or rather "the") FOSS FPS that uses DPE. As far as I can tell, no assets of Nexuiz will be used. On the other hand, the soundtrack playing on the console-DPE-game homepage sounds like a remix of a Nexuiz track. I will just assume that the composer agreed to this and that the same might happen to other high-quality Nexuiz content and that it will all be legal. Lee Vermeulen (Nexuiz' lead developer) is no license-n00b after all. Also, the console game will be using Nexuiz' gameplay, which I assume means "game modes", "movement/physics" and "weapon functions/balancing". There is one problem though: this console game has the name "Nexuiz" (please call it "console Nexuiz") and its homepage is ...

First PARPG Techdemo

PARPG ("Post-Apocalyptic Role Playing Game") Techdemo 1 is out: You can walk around, talk to other characters, change to different (placeholder) maps, listen to background audio tracks and play around with the settings. There is a little more: container items and basic inventory functions work as well. Battle, quests, character development and interactive map objects (locks and traps?) are what is missing from allowing to implement a loaded rpg. Another piece of news is that the project manager, barra, is leaving his position. The best place to discuss PARPG's management's future is their IRC . You can also read more about barra's stepping down in this IndieRPGs article or this PARPG announcement . Of course the project is seeking a new manager to take over the management tasks . We shall hope for a brave and experienced sir or lady to claim that throne. (Did I mention that the decision-making process is rather democratic in PARPG?) The developers are restles...

FlightGear eyecandy release (2.0)

The flight simulator FlightGear now has pretty clouds and lighting. I have not had the chance of giving the new release a try, so I decided to create a little gallery of the best-looking shots from the 2.0 gallery . Looks neat. But following video looks even better! ( youtube-dl link: )