Open Source boardgames, better on a screen or on a table?
Staying with the theme of the festive season, how can FreeGamer help you prevent that awkward silence when you sit down with your relatives and realize you have nothing really to talk about? Well, open-source board games to the rescue... and you can spice up that quality family time by introducing some FOSS concepts ;) A rather interesting concept is d0x3d! (a network security game) : It is actually intended to be a sort of teaching aid ( ideas how to use it in class here ), but it seems interesting enough to play with friends and relatives too. You can order a full version of the game or download the sources under the sadly more restrictive CC-by-NC-SA here . A similar concept of combining teaching with playing is the trading card game Phylo . Sadly it is even more restrictive in licensing (CC-BY-NC-ND), thus I am stretching it a bit to mention it here. Much more open (and mentioned a few times before on FG) is Wtactics : Wtactics card examples Not much updates for it lately, but I ...