DevCorner: Open (Game Art) Bundle

An interesting mixture to "pay what you want" and "ransom funding" has recently surfaced with the Open Bundle:

You can buy all the offered game art and use them under the CC-by license and if the total threshold is reached (10k, 1 day remaining, 9.3k already pledged) all the game art (2d sprites and music) will be officially released under the CC0. A split of the funds is btw. shared with the EFF and Creative Commons.

For those wondering: no, it is not done by our friends of, but they think it is a good project anyways. Interestingly the creator is also thinking of expanding the idea:
Do you want to host your own "public domain ransom"?
I'd love to help you! Email me at
P.S.: While we are on last day notices: Today ends the registration period for the Unvanquished summer tournament. Also check out their latest Alpha 17.



Cortex Command releases code under the AGPL v3

RubyWeekend, but also PyDay

Looks like battleMETAL will fill some Mechwarrior 2 nostalgia